Australia has an amazing array of native bees and is home to around 2,000 species of native bees. Not only are they fascinating to observe, native bees play a vital role in the ecosystem and are vital pollinators of Australia's unique and diverse flora.
A queen excluder is a selective barrier inside a beehive that limits the queen’s access to parts of the hive. The idea behind a queen excluder is that the smaller worker bees can easily pass through the gaps and the queen and drone (male) bee which are both larger cannot.
Wax moths are one of the more common pests beekeepers will come across. All hives, even healthy ones, will encounter wax moths at some point. Although a wax moths infestation can be devastating, with a little care and basic bee husbandry, you can manage any damage that could be caused to your hives and equipment.
A honey extractor is a piece of equipment used by beekeepers in the extraction of honey from honeycombs. A honey extractor works by using centrifugal force to flick the honey from the honeycomb without destroying the comb.