Bee Blog
Where do you get your first bees

So you have decided to start beekeeping as a hobby and don’t know where to start? As a first port of call we recommend joining your local beekeeping club which often run starter courses for beginners. Another option is to ask around to see if you can get a mentor. Most beekeepers got their start this way and you will find many are happy to “pay it forward” for a small fee (or maybe even free). Once you are ready to setup your own hive there are 4 main ways to get your first bees: Purchase a Nucleus Hive (or...
How much time does beekeeping require

In some ways beekeeping is like parenting, honeybees don't just look after themselves so you really should only have as many hives as you can look after responsibly. Once the decision has been made to keep bees, the beekeeper has a legal and moral obligation to maintain the bees in a healthy state and in such a way that they do not become a nuisance to other people. Whether for pleasure or for profit, it’s essential that beekeepers understand their obligations before investing in hundreds of dollars of equipment and supplies. Take the following factors into consideration to ensure sweet...