1.5 Litre Inside Hive Top Feeder
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These 1.5 Litre Internal Top Feeders are great for winter or year round feeding without disturbing your bees.
The benefit of this small feeder is it will fit under most standard migratory lids with the use of a crown board, without the need for a timber rim or extra box to house the feeder.
The hole and cap are all ridged to give the bees a foothold when climbing through and back to the underneath supers. The feeder also includes a plastic cover over the ridged hold to help prevent bees from drowning.
Size of feeder 185mm(L) x 185mm(W) x 55mm(H)
2 x feeders will fit on 5 frame crown board
2 x feeders will fit on 8 frame crown board
4 x feeders will fit on 10 frame crown board
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